Wednesday, June 30, 2010

BIM Breakfast-5th Tuesdays

Yesterday morning my alarm went off at 4:30 am. It took awhile for the haze of sleep to clear enough for me to not want to throw it out the window. Then I realized that I had to meet some colleagues at the Office to make the hour trek to Wauwatosa (just west of Milwaukee, WI) for the inaugural BIM Breakfast-5th Tuesdays.

Thanks to Ryan Lent from R. Lent Group for organizing the event and coordinating with Cafe Hollander Tosa to provide a meeting place and an awesome atmosphere for the meeting.

It's great when like minded people can get together and talk freely about common interests.

Oh, and 5th Tuesdays??? Well, the group only meets in months that have 5 Tuesdays. Seems about the right frequency, I'd have to say.

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